Great leaders know that there are great benefits in big problems.
Problems have advantages. Sound strange?
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines PROBLEM as "a question raised for enquiry, consideration and solution"
Problems are questions that provokes answers.
They are enquiries that facilitate deliveries.
They are considerations that promotes solutions.
Problems are not really 'problems'. They are solutions in disguise.
See problems as challenges for great changes.
Challenges are platforms for positive changes and the meal of Champions.
I discovered also that one of the Latin root meaning of PROBLEM is "to throw forward"
Problems are not really setbacks; they are designed to throw us forward into destiny.
Problems, when viewed correctly, serves as a launching pad into leadership and greatness.
Every great enterprise started by solving a problem(s).
Money is not the first thing you need to start a business; but an identified problem to solve.
Leadership is basically solving problems and meeting needs around.
Problems Provoke Potentials.
Robert Schuller said, "Problems are not stop-signs; but guidelines"
The bigger the problem you solve, the greater your provision.
Problems come with expiring date. They do not last more than a moment.
They are working for you, serving God's purpose for your life.
How do you see your problems, challenges or obstacles now?
Enjoy Your Week!!!
All the best to me this week...........
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