How To Get Ahead In Anything You Do II - Welcome to The Official Blog of Ikawo Emmanuel window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'UA-47069959-5');

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Saturday 8 March 2014

How To Get Ahead In Anything You Do II

Thank you for coming back to read this article, this is the continuation of the discussion on How To Get Ahead In Anything You Do. It's been interesting and i hope you are enjoying it. Thank you once again for coming to read the second part of this my article series, it has been an amazing journey and i hope you have really learnt something! As i have previously discussed, in life you need God to get ahead in anything you do if you want to be successful. Other things that are vital to your upward move to your previously discussed are you must be studious, you must have vision and you must persevere to have that your dream come to pass. For the full story of the previous post click HERE.
In your trials to be and live you dream in life you must also consider the following. Those that are successful today have put these things into consideration, which is why they are ahead. So in continuation i will be writing this as number 5. Let's continue the journey!!
5. Possess Winning Mentality
The key to great achievements or anything worth while is having that burning desire to win. Winning is not just for anybody, it's for people who have the mentality or people who are ready to begin to develop the mentality. A good example is a football team i support in England, there was a change of manager after almost twent-six (26) years. The new manager that came in performed badly with a team that the previous manager used to win the league win record 13-points. What is the difference in both managers? One has cultivated the act and use to winning, while the other is coming from a lower team that celebrate like winning a league if they win four consecutive matches. Which implies one has a winning mentality for almost 26 years and the other does not, but i know with time he will develop the character, turn it to attitude and begin to win things. Why I'm i using this example, it because you can not have good success if you don't have the winning mentality or ready to learn and develop it.
For you to get ahead in anything, you must develop a winning character, take it to a next level and make it an attitude. Once you develop an attitude to win you will begin to see all that you do begin to give you your desired result. Everything will begin to work in your favor, where people lose, you will begin to win and where others fail you will begin to have breakthrough and good success.
6. Focus 
In life to succeed you must be focused. Focus simply means to pay complete attention to a particular thing. This is what will make you stand strong when things go worse and result and life become unfavorable. Most people who don't succeed in their career or endeavor are people who lost focus. Lost the desire to win and let an unbelieving mind develop in them. The development of an unbelieving mind makes one also develop a mind full with impossibilities. Once you begin to see impossibilities, you will certainly lose focus. Never believe there is something call impossibility, it only exist in the mind of inferior and fiddle minded people. Believe me every great things that exist today where once impossibilities. Never loss focus, even if what you are doing is looking like impossible and seems it will never work, believe me this is the time your belief is been tested and if you don't have strong belief you will lose focus. Never stop believing, it can be hard believe it will work out.
7. Determination
I love this quote from one of my country's football greats Kanu Nwakwo. He said 'I was determined and never give up'. He said this after he had got to the peak of his career and had won almost everything. Determination is key to success, it's key to getting ahead in your career and anything you do. Determination will bring you out from others. It will set the tone for people to believe in you and thus work together to help you achieve your dreams and realize your potential. 8. Passion Passion in this case is loving and enjoying what you do.
For you to have an edge in whatever you do, you must love and enjoy it. This ia when you will be successful. Loving what you do is the first step in increasing your productivity and thus the increase in desire for quality result. In life what keep you up and get you to the top is passion, once you love and enjoy what you do you are successful. That's it. So you can't stop enjoying and loving what you are doing even if it's not giving you your desired result presently, believe me very soon your passion will get you noticed and will attract the right people that will help You to locate you. Do everything with passion in your career and your work place and you will be productive, your productivity will take you to the top of your career or in the organization you work in. Everyone likes someone productive. Today i want to know that only you own the key to your success and only by putting to work the inner man in you which can exhibit all the charters discussed in this article.
Thank you for reading

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Go succeed!!!

1 comment:

  1. Good job bro...i really got what i needed in the two articles... Keep it up... Lee, USA


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