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Tuesday 4 March 2014

How To Get Ahead In Anything You Do

Getting ahead is a desire of every living being, but sometimes it never happens, you just see yourself far behind your targets, aims and ambitions. Sometimes you might wonder why something or things generally are not working, why some people remain stagnant, and no observable growth. This is because they have not learnt the concept of getting ahead.
The following are important character you must possess if you want to get ahead:
1. You need God
in everything you do you must acknowledge God first. Letting Him start and God with you in everything you do in your life is the first step for a successful outcome. The putting of God first will satisfy your spiritual needs and requirements to have breakthrough. Believe me the battles we are involve in to make breakthrough in our lives go beyond the physical, and thus we must combat the battle first from the spiritual world. A battle won in the spirit is a battle won in the physical, because the spiritual control the physical. Also putting God first means you fear Him and the Bible stated it Clearly in the book of proverb that ' The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the holy one is insight'. The key to any great and good success is wisdom and insight, these are all provided in the fear of God. Put God first in every aspect of your life today and beginning to get wisdom, knowledge and insight in abundance. Because by only this you will have ultimate breakthrough in all you do.
2. You must be studious
'Study to show thyself approved'. To be approved of being ahead of your colleagues in all perspectives, you must be studious. Being studious give you the key to the unknown knowledge of the ordinary people. Your level of knowledge depend solely on the level at which you have studied. Studying can be of various forms which includes reading, travelling, attending seminars, career talks, experiments, practicing, etc. all are ways of learning.
Being studious increase your learning and improve your knowledge and understanding of various things. Your verse understanding will help you in adapting to various situations and overcoming various life obstacles to success in life. Studying extensively in your area of choice will only make you a specialist in that area and source of knowledge to others in that area.
3. Have Vision
Vision is a vital and critical component of getting ahead in anything you do. Vision is the visual picture of where your desired result in anything you do. It's only through vision you can see your end result from the beginning.
How amazing to see this! See this end will only be a source of drive and motivation for you desired outcome. If you can visualize the end of anything you do, then you have an edge going further than any other person who is also wandering in same direction. I just want you to know that having vision and using this vision as a driving force will make you get ahead in all of your life endeavours.
4. Perseverance
Perseverance is the ability to continue anything despite difficult situations, problems and obstacles.In life most people give in at the very point of making breakthrough. I know life can be tasking, difficult and never seems things are going to ever going to work, but believe me all you need to work through is a little perseverance. You can't give in where others are giving in. When they give in and stop trying, this is the point you have to tell yourself ' i have come this far, i can't give up now, victory and breakthrough is near'. That's the spirit, the spirit of not giving up, never accepting defeat, perseverance and never believing in impossibilities. This is what will carry you ahead of others in anything.
The difference between the people who are successful and those that fail, is the little and extra belief and perseverance. You can develop this character today and make it an attitude. When it become your attitude, then there is no way you will not have breakthrough and be successful. Finally there are other factors like Determination, Focus, and passion which will be discussed in my next article, do check back to read it so you can begin to get ahead and be on top today.
Thank you for reading this article.
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Go succeed!!!

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