15 Keys to Incredible Confidence final - Welcome to The Official Blog of Ikawo Emmanuel window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'UA-47069959-5');

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Tuesday, 8 April 2014

15 Keys to Incredible Confidence final

The 15 keys to building incredible confidence has generated a lot of debates after I published it and I want you all to know the key to confidence is never one but the best is fake it if you have to.
This is the second part of the post The 15 keys to building incredible confidence.
You have to stay confidence in life to reach your dreams, stop being shy, being shy means you are choosing to stay away from you dreams thus choosing to remain poor. You don’t have be like a roach, panicking at every sudden movement by another; you want to be graceful, elegant and powerful! ! !
8. Don’t Try to Please Everyone
Trying to please everyone is a major problem for anyone who wants to have breakthrough in anything. Does a king try to please everyone; NO! ! !  Confident people are not dependent on the constant acceptance of others. Act like a king, confident people do not obsess with pleasing everyone.
9. Remain Focus on Your Beliefs
Confident people don’t change their beliefs always. You must stick up for what you believe in, and if you have to ruffle a few feathers in the process, then that’s what you have to do. The goal of appearing confident is not to get people to like you, necessarily, but to respect you.
10. Pause Before You Speak
Don’t rush about starting at any point. Confident people are comfortable with silence. To show extreme confidence, pause a second or two before you speak. Think about what the other person has said before you respond; let your face show that you’re pondering their thoughts. This will significantly increase how confident you appear. 
11. Have a clear Conscience
Most times being nervous arises from doing things that you’re not supposed to be doing. If you have to constantly look over your shoulder, perhaps you should reconsider your activities. Confidence comes from within; to exude confidence, you must have a clear conscious, and you must speak and live from a place of authenticity. 
12. Sincerity
If you don’t know, say you don’t know because to convince someone that you know what you’re talking about, give them a timely, “I don’t know the answer to that question yet.” Confident people recognize that they can’t possibly know the answer to every question, and they are confident enough to let you know they don’t know. When you don’t know the answer, don’t fumble around; just say you don’t know yet. This will help you to exude confidence.
13. Look Above
See beyond the crowd, and stop being bordered by what they think of you or what you do. Show your intents and be clear of you choices.

14. Don’t Cackle
Don’t give away a laugh too easily, don’t be a cackler. Make people work for a good laugh; you can flash them a smile, or a calm chuckle, but don’t give away too easily. 
15. Offer No Assurance
Never promise when you know you can’t fulfill.
Finally you absolutely have what it takes to be confident, starting today, right now! You don’t have to sign-up for a confidence course or read a dozen more articles or books. You just have to turn on the switch; you have been confident in the past, and you can be confident whenever you so choose. Choose to be confident, practice confidence, practice turning on your confidence everywhere you go, so when you really need it, it will be there.
Thank you for reading!


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